Hello Caroline! Thank you SO much for sharing, I truly apologize for just seeing this NOW! I have found the free app "myNoise" to be very useful. In addition, I will go into the bathroom if I am in public and run cool water under my wrists for about 2-5 minutes, also patting cool water on my face and on the back of my neck. When I am home, I remove by a hot shower, lighting a candle, allow self to take a nap to let "it" the emotions pass bc it can be very draining! Caroline Myss is a mystic intuitive, she has SO many audiobooks you can listen to, she's a straight shooter. I also wrote an article on here and on Thrive Global. Myss has a Ted Talk on "Choices" I would watch it. Do you know your Human Design? You can find it for free on www.mybodygraph.com I did a whole podcast on it on my podcast She's All Over the Place streaming everywhere if you wanna tune in. We chat about being an empath and I think you would find it very helpful. xoxo Love Katie Chonacas