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Harmonic Convergence with Author & Expert Host Billy Carson of 4biddenKnowledge
The Harmonic Convergence is the name given to the world’s first synchronized global peace meditation, which occurred in August 1987. This event also closely coincided with an exceptional alignment of planets in the Solar System. Join The Harmonic Convergence 2020 happening now, a 10-day global live stream and Collective Contact broadcast focused on cultivating inner peace, global unification, and inspired collective action. Featuring indigenous elders, evolutionary and spiritual leaders, ancient history scholars, extraterrestrial researchers, and musicians, each day includes meditations and talks. The intention is to help humanity take another step towards realizing our intrinsic connection with all life and our role as planetary stewards within a larger universal community. Featured guest speaker at the Harmonic Convergence 2020, Billy Carson is the author of ‘The Compendium of The Emerald Tablets.’ Carson is also an expert host of Deep Space, the new original streaming series by Gaia. Carson is also an expert host on Gaia’s original series, Ancient Civilizations. Billy Carson has combined forces with the top anomaly hunters in the world to form the United Family Of Anomaly Hunters (UFAH). Their mission is to provide enough evidence of past and present life on Earth, and other celestial bodies inside our own solar system, of…